Dark and Darker Patch 2 gets a wipe, quests, new progression system (2024)

Dark and DarkerPatch 2 is right around the corner, as Ironmace takes part in a colossal Q&A session for its medieval extraction game, detailing its imminent and overarching future. From a Patch 2 wipe to an ice level, Druid class details, PvP, and a whole lot more, the future of Dark and Darker is looking packed.

Dark and Darker content creator ‘Onepeg’ hosted a developer Q&A livestream with Ironmace CEO Terence Seungha Park about the future of the RPG game. This includes the internal release date of Patch 2 and its wipe, the questing system, and a whole host of plans lined up for the future of the game.

Off the bat, Park says Ironmace’s internal date for the patch is Wednesday, November 22, the day before Thanksgiving. The time may very well be in the evening GMT (so mid-afternoon PT and ET, but that’s not locked in).

Dark and Darker Patch 2 gets a wipe, quests, new progression system (1)

Dark and Darker Patch 2 will also see the medieval extraction game get wiped. So, while you’ll lose all your gold and go back to level one, you’ll keep your tokens and character name, but your Triumph levels will reset.

You’ll be glad to hear that the quest system will also be introduced in Dark and Darker Patch 2, with Park sharing a mockup during the stream that you can see below. This won’t be the full version of the quest system, however, as Park explains in quotes transcribed by PCGamesN.

“It’s going to be quest system version 0.1,” Park explains. “Instead of having the full content, we’re just going to test out the functionality of quests. At the same time, it’s going to be a decent amount of quests, around 20 or 30 or so quests.” So don’t expect the full system just yet, but you can get a vibe for what Ironmace is planning.

Park adds that the team has a professional writerusingquests to flesh out the lore, but the actual mechanics of the quests won’t be too in-depth yet.

Then there’s the Adventure Point system that’s coming in Patch 2, which will help you earn seasonal Adventure Titles. If you explore High Roller dungeons you’ll earn these points towards a title rank, and the next season you’ll have that rank attached to your profile.

Park does note that the below image is a work-in-progress and that the rewards tied to each level are not final, so take them with a grain of salt. That said, Iromace is thinking of having the final reward be an exclusive skin, but Park notes that it definitely won’t be a demigod, as shown in the image.

It should also be noted that the MMR system has already been implemented into Dark and Darker, but this is also in the very early stages. “We actually put one of our systems in, and we’re collecting that data,” Park says, adding that you “might have kind of felt that.”

You can see some of the other big changes coming in Patch 2 later this month thanks to a round-up from ‘ZooKeyKneeFN’ on Reddit right here, like an integrated friends list, High Roller results screen, and even a new Cyclops boss for the Goblin Caves.

Park also goes into a lot of what we can expect in the future after Patch 2, like a new ice map, multi-classing, the upcoming Druid, and a whole lot more.

The ice map was originally planned for Patch 2 this month but Park says the team wasn’t ready. “So the thing that’s going to actually make this map, this concept, feel new is that there needs to be at least a minimum amount of new encounters,” Park explains. There’s also going to be some sort of ice dragon on the map too, which is absolutely something to get excited over.

While group size for the map hasn’t been “set in stone yet,” Park and Ironmace are looking at a three-person experience. We might be seeing the experience before the Holidays too, but that would be a “really hard push” for the team, with January 2024 more likely.

We also learn a whole lot more about the upcoming Druid class, and how Ironmace is still looking for solutions for letting you turn into a bear in first-person.

“Okay, how do you be a bear in first person view? Like, how do you do attacks? How does it feel?” Park muses. “So when we started working on this I was like ‘this is this is going to be a lot more challenging than we initially expected.’ Even the experimental version is not looking likely for next week.”

There’s even a PvP arena-type space that’s being discussed at Ironmace, but this isn’t a confirmed feature just yet. I’d recommend watching the whole thing when you’ve got some free time, as there’s a lot more in there to check out.

If you want some help during your dungeon crawling we’ve got your back with a look at all the Dark and Darker classes, or if you’re thinking about trying the game you’ll want to get to grips with the Dark and Darker system requirements first.

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Dark and Darker Patch 2 gets a wipe, quests, new progression system (2024)


Dark and Darker Patch 2 gets a wipe, quests, new progression system? ›

Dark and Darker Patch 2 will also see the medieval extraction game get wiped. So, while you'll lose all your gold and go back to level one, you'll keep your tokens and character name, but your Triumph levels will reset.

How many people are playing Dark and Darker? ›

Monthly players breakdown
MonthPeak% Gain
Last 30 days0-100.0%
November 202224,872+1.9%
October 202224,397+122.5%
September 202210,966+3,173.4%
2 more rows

Do Dark and Darker have quests? ›

You can also use the web app to track quest progress. Select a Merchant below to view their respective Quests.

Is Dark and Darker still in a lawsuit? ›

Nexon's lawsuit against Ironmace in the US was dismissed last year, so the lawsuit in South Korea is the only one that's active right now.

Why was Dark and Darker removed from Steam? ›

But it quickly ran into trouble with Nexon, which accused the studio of using "stolen" code and other assets to build the game: Ironmace's offices were raided by police, and the Steam delisting followed shortly after.

Is Dark and Darker popular? ›

One year after the Steam Next Fest demo for Dark and Darker become one of the biggest games on Steam, another extraction-dungeon-crawler called Dungeonborne—first teased in September 2023 as Project Crawl—is replicating the feat with gameplay that looks a whole lot like its predecessor.

How many people can play Dark and Darker on each map? ›

Navigating the intricacies of team dynamics in "Dark and Darker" unveils a crucial revelation. Each foray into the dungeons is orchestrated by a trio of adventurers, including yourself. This trio, the answer to your query regarding player count, stands at three participants.

Can you still play Dark and Darker? ›

Dark and Darker was released into early access on Monday, August 7, 2023. You can purchase the current version of the game, but be aware that early access games are still a work in progress.

How big is Dark and Darker? ›

The Dark and Darker size for download on PC is 12GB of HD or SSD space. So, if you need more space or want to make an upgrade, check the PCGamesN buyers guide for the best SSD for gaming.

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